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Milano, Italia 14 September 2011

156 : 2860

Milano, Unsustainability Capital of the World

 About Milan, the less said the better. If you want more words than that, you are welcome to read my dire prediction for Milan here.

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 Milano, and the Milanese, are, despite my harsh prediction, to be admired. What goes on here exemplifies the Italian ability to do more in less space faster than any other europeans, and certainly we Amercani. Particularly during the rushing times, the pedestrianized downtown is thrilling congested with bicycles wheeling past at five times walking speed, their riders often yammering on cellphones clamped against their shoulders, as they thread their way through mobs of people – tour groups shambling, workers hustling, tourists gawking – with nary a crash or even a close call. On streets with vehicles, various streams of traffic – all the above plus street cars, police cars, taxis, and a wide variety of trucks, clunkers, and luxury vehicles – mingle and unravel with nary a honk or angry word. Astonishing how well it all works, how close fast-moving things come to each other and to disaster, but miraculously avoid. I conclude that God really does love the Italians.

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